Foods that contain coconut seem to very popular right now. Here are a few benefits of coconut that many nutritionists, researchers and doctors agree upon:
- Boosts the immune system
- Increases energy levels
- Increases HDL (good cholesterol)
- Decreases appetite
- Kills harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites
- Is good for a post workout drinks
Coconut in all forms contains large amounts of saturated-fats, up to 90%. The saturated-fats or good fats contribute to the health benefits of coconut.
Coconut Comes In Many Forms:
- Coconut oil – Good for cooking especially at high temperatures. I also put a teaspoon in my tea or coffee in the morning to give me more energy.
- Coconut water – good for hydration after a workout. I also add it to my smoothies
- Coconut milk – This is higher in calories than the others, so use sparingly. Good in stir frys dishes and receipts with sauces.
- Coconut meat – I buy mine as flakes. Good with smoothies, stir frys dishes and baked goods.
- Coconut Flour- can be used in baked goods.
Coconut in all forms can be found at most grocery stores.
Go ahead; add some coconut to your diet this year!