Corporate Wellness


Sue Garcia Fitness, Inc. has been bringing fitness programs, wellness concepts and health education information to Chicagoland corporations since 2002. I have worked with companies such as Motorola in Schaumburg, Lawson Products in Des Plaines, Experian Corporation in Schaumburg, Career Education in Schaumburg and more. What do employees gain when the Sue Garcia Fitness, Inc. program is introduced in companies and organizations? Fitness and health become a priority. Morale goes up. Employees feel motivated and supported. Companies benefit too. Giving employees an opportunity to stay fit in the convenience of their work-place has the potential to increase productivity, resulting in fewer sick days. When employees know that their employer is investing time in them, they feel valued and respected. So everyone wins.

Getting started is simple. There is no need to have a wellness center, showers or lockers. All that is needed is a space that is open and can accommodate a number of people. Most often companies use conference rooms; however we have been known to get creative with space. Classes can be funded in a number of ways. Companies have the option of funding classes, often with help from “Health Matters.” Or, employees can contribute to their own fitness programs. A third option encourages companies and employees to co-fund the program.

Whether it’s instruction in proper technique and form, stressing the importance of a routine exercise regimen, or motivating and supporting groups and individuals as they grow in their personal fitness training, Sue Garcia Fitness, Inc. is available to share our passion for health and wellness.

Interested? Contact me at 847-980-2910 or suegarcia@ so that we can design a fitness and wellness program that gives you and your employees a solid health boost.