Sue Garcia Fitness has been bringing high quality fitness classes designed for seniors to rehabilitation centers, senior care center and nursing homes since 2003. I have worked with facilities such as Manor Care Health Services in Schaumburg, Warren Barr Lincolnshire, and Des Plaines Community Senior Center.
Some of the classes the seniors most enjoy are Zumba Gold and Zumba Aqua. What makes these classes great is the versatility. Classes are adaptable for a wide range of people with varying abilities: those who don’t need any assistance; those in wheelchairs; people who need some stability by holding on to a chair for support; or those who need to sit for safety and comfort. Sue Garcia Fitness, Inc. can design a class with multiple levels of needs and fitness included … one class fits all.
Zumba classes are energetic classes that blend fun and upbeat music with easy to follow moves. In addition to the physical aspect, the classes become a great source of entertainment, camaraderie, joy, fun and laughter.
Besides the fun aspects of exercise, it’s important to keep in mind that a regular fitness regimen can help strengthen muscles and bones, decrease injuries and falls, increase balance and energy level. Plus it gives people something fun to look forward to doing as well as something new to talk about and plan for during the day.
Let’s not forget our seniors. Getting started is simple. All that is needed is fairly large open space (the cafeteria or activity room is ideal) and s commitment to bring extra joy and fitness training to people in your facility.
Sue Garcia Fitness, Inc. is available to share our passion for health and wellness with you and your residents.
Intersted? Contact me at 847-980-2910 or suegarcia@